D.Gray-man 196.
Мозгу конец.
Пох,что на китайском и нифига не понятно.
Хошино опять поменяла стиль. И если раньше это радовало,то теперь...кхм,напрягло неслабо. Новый Аллен мне нравится еще меньше,чем раньше. У Юу повысилась лохматость. У Алмы,прекрасного Алмы вытянулось немного лицо и он стал выглядеть старше,но вот уж кого-кого,а Алму новый стиль сделал только лучше :3
Фоу\Аллен - новый пейринг? О_о
Аллен,мешающий раненому Юу проткнуть Алму? Вполне предсказуемо. Спасение души,бывший друг и бла-бла-бла.
Граф,жаждущий перейти на сторону 14ого? О__о""
скрипты на англе
Bak removed his hat and drip his blood to the stone attached in the hat.
"O spirit stone that dwelled by the guardian god..." "I" "With the Chang Blood, answer me...!"
"Guardian Deity I summon thee"
The stone off from the hat and shine. The light emerged from the stone and heading towards Tokusa that turned into Alma.
Tokusa "Guahhhhhh!!"
Allen "Uwaaa!"
Tokusa's grip loosing because of the attack and freed Allen, but For appears in the place he's falling to and help him.
For "What a mess... this is"
Allen "Fo... For!?"
Zuu "Ugh...!"
Zuu climbed to the top of the ramble and write something to activate his art [The attack is weaker...
Looks like Bak was summoning the guardian deity]
[But that just until the spirit stone on the hat cut off...!]
Allen and For are in a floating sphere that For created. Lightning strike from Alma-Tokusa still continued outside.
For "Sorry but I don't have that much time, so destroy Alma while we holding up this 3rd Exorcist!"
Allen "......"
For "Don't tell me that you will accept the Earl's invitation?"
Allen "I saw... Alma's past 9 years ago..." "I want to calm Alma down, but..."
"Alma turned into an akuma because of his hatred towards the Order and Kanda" "There's no way to save him...!"
For "You...!" "Ha!" "Watch out!"
For covered Allen, and Tyki attacked from her behind. For fall.
For "Guagh"
Allen "For!!"
A part of the spirit stone cracked.
Bak "!!" "For!?"
Tyki "Looks like you already decided, boy" "Now, don't let the Earl waiting too much"
Allen "......!"
For that fall way down "You idiot, stop being intimidated... *cough* hah hah Human alive with having their own belongings."
"Their wish... and the one they want to protect are all different"
Allen "! For..."
For "Saving someone is... not something that can be done easily!!" "Don't decide it by yourself, you idiot!!"
Tyki "You're too loud" he released beam while laughing -> Beam towards For!
For "!!"
Bak "For!!"
explosion sound
Allen covering For with his Sword of Exorcism activated "It's not that easy, huh..."
Allen "Can I do it...?" "Can I" "save him...?
For "......"
"How should I know!!"
Allen "Okay!"
Bak "Don't mind us, walker... Concentrate with Alma"
Reever "That's right..."
Johnny "Go, Allen..."
Lvellie "Allen... Walker..."
Renny "It's impossible..." "Alma won't forgive us"
For "Go, Allen! Leave the Noah to me"
Allen "For"
As Allen ready to go, blood flowing out from his left leg. It's the same place that Alma-Tokusa gripped.
Allen "Guagh" "Shit, my leg..."
[Let me heal it]
A catfish-like golem fly to Allen's left leg
Allen "Wha- what?" Catfish!?
[This is my wireless golem, Athouder... It can heal others wound with the caster's spirit]
Allen "!?"
Zuu watching the direction his golem that connected to his ribs off
[Even though it just can be done once with this old body... Please accept it]
Allen "Thank you!"
Renny "Stop the two of them, Walker!!" "There's no way Alma want to kill Kanda... Want to kill Yu..."
"He's the only Yu that wanted to save that child"
Kanda, Fifth Illusion Style!!!
Mugen's edge warped in black lightning
Kanda "Disappear, Alma!"
The lightning that head towards Alma cut his left arm and right leg
Alma spit blood "Guagh"
Without losing, Alma "Gaa" shoot beam from his mouth -> Sliced through Kanda's left arm
Kanda "Blergh"
Alma "Haha... Akuma evolve depending on the frustration of the trapped soul... huh"
"It's absolutely easier that that Innocence.*) The more I hate the more power I got..."
Kanda "...you"
Alma "Hmm...? What?"
Kanda "I'll break you" "I'll break you" "I'll break you" "I'll break you"
Kanda dash toward Alma (His left arm base already growing back and still in the middle of regenerating) "UOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!"
Allen "Kanda!!"
Allen entered in between Kanda and Alma, and his Sword of Exorcism stopped Mugen's edge
Allen gritted his teeth and Kanda looked down to him
Preview : Unstoppable feelings. Can they break through it!?
Table of contents comment : I've got enough with my editor's diet and started to diet myself. I won't lose! (burning up)
Ну в общем всё понятно -_-"
теперь ждем полного перевода и 197 +___+